This is for all the Ardour fans. This chappie is from Vol 11 chapter 52. The title of this chapter: Whatever you want...
The story contiues from chapter 51...

After You Yi leaves Shen Ye's apartment, Zi Ying tells Shen Ye that a girl came and passed this to him. Zi Ying thinks the girl looked unhappy to see her which makes her wander whether she is Shen Ye's girlfriend and that she has misunderstood her relationship with Shen Ye. Shen Ye is shocked to hear that and immediately calls You Yi to explain. You Yi is relieved to know that it was a misunderstanding. However... tears, You Yi requests to break up with Shen Ye as she is worried that when she is overseas studying, he may feel neglected and stray from the relationship. You Yi has no confidence that Shen Ye will remain faithful. Without explaining her real feelings to Shen Ye, You Yi hangs up the phone after breaking up with him...

Shen Ye goes to You Yi school to look for her after failing to locate her at her home (You Yi moved to her mom's place to hide from Shen Ye). However, Shen Ye is unable to meet You Yi in school as she is hiding again. In anger, Shen Ye tells her classmate to let You Yi know that he refuse to accept her decision.

Ah Yao calls You Yi and asks to meet her. He congratulates her for getting the scholarship to go overseas for her study. Ah Yao takes the opportunity to ask You Yi to explain her decision for leaving Shen Ye. You Yi tells Ah Yao that she is not confident that the relationship will survive the separation. This is especially after seeing Zi Ying at Shen Ye's place. Although now, she knows there is nothing going on between them but that image woke her up to the reality that they will be separated and Shen Ye may be attracted to someone else...
At that moment, Shen Ye, who is hiding in one corner appears. He tells You Yi that if not for Ah Yao, You Yi will not confide this truth to him... He asks You Yi that even if he promises and assures her that he will be faithful to her, will he be able to assure her of her doubts. You Yi remains quiet. Sadly, Shen Ye tells You Yi he will not make things difficult for her and leaves. Ah Yao is shocked at the turn of events...

At home, You Yi asks her mom how she maintains her long distance relationship with dad. Mum replies that both party must want to maintain the relationship. You Yi realises that after breaking up from Shen Ye, she misses him very much. Also, the breakup does not make her more at ease, on the contrary, she is worse. At that moment, Shen Ye calls You Yi...

He tells her to walk towards the city square where she will see a big screen. Ardour's new mtv is ready... Shen Ye's new song is being broadcast. As You Yi listens to the music, she realises that Shen Ye is singing that he will give her everything she wants...

Shen Ye asks her whether she likes his song. You Yi tells Shen Ye over the phone that it is not true that he gives her everything she wants. At that moment, Shen Ye appears in front of You Yi... still talking to her over the phone, he tells her that she wants to break up and he gives in even though it is not what he wants... they hug...

You Yi is still worried that their relationship will be strained with them being apart. Shen Ye assures her that he will not wait for her. Instead, he will go to France to be with her!
That summarises Chapter 52. : ))) Nice chapter. Rather romantic.