Fans of DKY, I will briefly describe Chapter 10 before going into Chapter 11. I was thinking of starting at Chapter 12 but thought Chapter 11 is too important to miss.
In Chapter 10, Kokoro and some classmates (3 other girls), together with Jirou Sensei went for Hatsumoude (first Shrine visit of the year). There Kokoro prayed for Jirou. She prayed that he will be intimate and happy again with someone he loves. She made that prayer thinking that she wanted him to be in love and happy even though that person he loves is not her. As she prayed, she began to tear. (Kokoro really loves Jirou)
Whilst looking to meet the rest of the class again, Jirou and Kokoro bumped into Kokoro's younger sister. As fate would have it, Kokoro's sister's was with her teacher. And her teacher was Mizuki (Jirou's elder brother's girlfriend). Jirou had a crush on her when his brother was alive. Kokoro put one and one together and figured that Mizuki must be someone who is very important to Jirou. Kokoro tried to convince Jirou that meeting Mizuki was not by chance and she tried to encourage Jirou to cease the opportunity to meet up with Mizuki again. As she spoke, she suddenly began to tear again (thinking that her prayers are answered so immediately and Jirou will fall in love with someone else). That ends Chapter 10.
Meanwhile back home, Jirou is feeding Saburo (the dog). As he looks at the dog eating happily, he cannot help but thinks about the meeting with Mizuki. He is reminded of his brother's death. He thinks it is no use seeing Mizuki again. He wishes his brother is alive again...
It is time for everyone to pick a number to decide their sitting positions. Kokoro's friend picks 2 numbers. Jirou tells her that each person is allowed to pick only a seat number. Her friend explains that she is picking another one for Kokoro. Jirou wonders if Kokoro is still feeling emotionally unstable. Kokoro's friend tells Jirou that she can't tell him the reason. Jirou wonders why...
In the new sitting arrangement, Kokoro gets to sit beside Fuwa. Fuwa takes out a card and passes it to Kokoro..
Jirou passes a notice of an interview he will conduct with his students individually...
Realising that she has overreacted, Kokoro tries to ask Jirou about his meeting with Mizuki. She suggested that they can continue from where they left off. In a serious tone, Jirou cut her off before she can finish her sentence:" There is no continuance..." Kokoro wonders why. They are both teachers thus they should be well-matched.
Jirou:"Teacher? Do you think so?" "I don't seem to get along well with people. With my father too... Mizuki cared for me because I was the younger brother of my elder brother. Because of that I hated my brother...I was thinking wouldn't it be great if he disappears... I'm the worst type of person."
Kokoro is shocked to hear this. She disagrees with Jirou and tries to tell Jirou how she sees him. But Jirou continues to put himself down. Kokoro, not being able to take Jirou putting himself down anymore, shouted: "Stop!" With tears streaming down she cries out:"Please don't slander the person I love. Stop slandering the person that I love very much..."
Kokoro realises that she has confessed her feelings to Jirou. Blushing, she tells Jirou to forget what she has just said. Jirou is dumbfounded... Looking at him and blushing at the same time, Kokoro tells him that she wish he would stop putting himself down... and she runs off. Unbeknownst to both of them, Fuwa overhears the conversation...
Scene switches to Jirou cycling... He is thinking of Kokoro as he cycles. He remembers that Kokoro was serious when she confessed to him and the confession was an unusual one... It is a first for him...
That is the end of Chapter 11. I believe that Jirou has never felt good about himself. It will be good if he can see himself as how Kokoro sees him. Things are getting interesting as now Fuwa is also aware of Kokoro's feelings for Jirou. Nice chapter. Story is moving along very nicely. ^^