Dear friends, anonymous has kindly corrected my translation. I am so thankful to learn from anonymous. I have made the necessary changes and really... this chapter is even more intense. Let's begin...

Aki sees Riko and Shinya. He considers the consequences if he acknowledges Riko in front of Shinya. Riko will know he is Crude Play's Aki and Shinya will know the nature of his relationship with Riko. He thinks of getting away from the scene before anyone finds out. He wonders whether he can trust Shinya and let him know about his relationship with Riko...

He decides to leave the scene before being found out. As he turns to leave, Shinya sees him and their eyes meet...

Shinya bids farewell to Riko...

Shinya calls Aki. He asks what Aki was doing there. Aki asks Shinya to meet him at his place.

At Aki's place... Shinya lets out a laughter. Aki asks what is so funny... Shinya relates that he has met the girl Takagi san talent-spotted. Shinya says she is like "mushroom"...

Shocked, Aki replied :"Mushroom?" Shinya says Riko's mushroom hair cut reminds him of a mushroom thus he is giving her the nickname mushroom. Quietly, Aki sighs and thinks to himself: "Ditto".

Aki asks how Shinya finds Riko's voice quality...

Shinya describes Riko's voice as having very good quality and she sings with feelings... but not any person can touch her... ~~~is he hinting to Aki to leave her alone?

Aki asks Shinya whether he is writing the songs Riko is singing... ~~~ oooppss! The look Shinya gives Aki speaks volumes...

Riko lies in bed and recalls the exchange she had with Shinya...

She wonders why she shook hands with Shinya without thinking things through carefully. She thinks it must be Shinya's resolve...

Back at Aki's place...Shinya tells Aki that he will be writing Riko's songs. Aki asks for him to play Riko's music but Shinya says something to the effect that playing Riko's debut songs is useless as he does not want to be confined by Crude Play. ~~~~ hmmm face-off time

Shinya details that Crude Play band exists because of Aki's music, and the only person who does not understand that is Aki. Shinya goes on to say that he is straight forward and doesn't like the murkiness of human relationships. He isn't Aki's friend and he didn't enter the music industry to be in Aki's band. He very much prefers to be a soloist, but

Shinya says that he has debut as a member of Crude Play 7 years ago and all along, he thinks and wishes for his own band (where he feels a sense of belonging) as now he feels uncomfortable... the beginning, for Shinya, he did not think of anything outside of Crude Play, but now after discovering Riko, he is shocked that the thought of breaking away from the band excites him. He is disgusted that Takagi would waste such a talent (Riko) on Aki...

Shinya tells Aki he will not give Riko back or reconsider. And Aki:"..but she is my girlfriend, mushroom."
Gosh! So intense! I wonder how Aki will react to this onslaught.