Finally, some serious lovey doveyness. Yes! They spent a great part of the chapter clarifying their feelings for each other. Finally, Yukito takes the lead and hugs her! Sigh... you should have done that long time ago so that she feels more secure!!! We can expect more in the next chapter. Perhaps a kiss...

Yukito stretches out his hands to touch Kotori... Not knowing his intentions, Kotori hides from him and expresses that she is confused and wanted to confirm his feelings and intention. ~~~ *slaps forehead* this girl really takes clueless to the extreme!

Kotori thinks that Yukito has two sides to him. She is not sure which is real. He seems to like her and yet somedays, he ignores her. Yukito is put in a spot. ~~~ Hahaha...

Blushing... Yukito explains that he really likes her...

since Kotori is still hiding, Yukito stretches out his hands and grabs her into his arms. ~~~ about time!!!

Yukito: "...finally, I caught you..." Kotori tears. Yukito apologises when he realises that she is crying. She confesses that she is happy...

She turns into his arms and tells him she really likes him...

Kotori remembers that her clothes is dirty and becomes conscious of her appearance again... ~~~ sigh... there is no end to her insecurities...

Yukito turns and tells Kotori that he will send her home. Kotori hugs him from behind and refuses to go yet. She wants to spend more time with him...