Koi dano Ai dano
I have in my collection the prequel to this series, Warau Kanoko sama and I love it. You may want to read the prequel before diving into Koi dano Ai dano.
This series is relatively new, 2 volumes thus far in Japan. Mangafox has posted 3 chapters.
Story Outline:
Kanoko, a plain girl who wears glasses, thinks she is a loner and spends most of her time observing people. Due to her parents' occupation, during middle school, she was transferred from school to school. However, at the start of High School, she decided to put a stop to this and requested for her parents to allow her to stay on her own. Due to her brilliant academic results, she was enrolled into Takara no Tani High School. Tsubaki, Kanoko's 98th middle school classmate, was enrolled into the same school and class. Tsubaki, with his good looks, was immediately noticed and people wondered why the two of them were always together.
I like the series for its sense of humour and interesting characters. The heroine, Kanoko, reminds me of the characters of Tonari no Kaibutsukun (And I really love Tonari no Kaibutsukun!). She is a combination of Haru and Shizuku. Clueless when it comes to relationships but brilliant in other aspects. If you are looking for a good laugh (cos there are plenty of funny characters in the series), I highly recommend this series.
Let me know how you feel.